I had a pretty good weekend. Went to Huntsville to visit Grandma, aaaaannnd Dad and Timbo Slice were in town, too. We didn't do a whole lot but laze around the house, watch football, watch random lifetime movies, eat entirely too much... aaaand we went to Walmart this one time.
Me, Dad, Timmy and Jordan went to Walmart around lunchtime on Saturday. This was a fun time. Dad ordered a dozen corndogs from the deli. The lady didn't know what a dozen meant. You know I laughed. Bless her Walmart-Deli working heart. Then when the corndogs were done cooking, she began putting them in the bag and lost count. She had to dump out the bag and start again. I probably shouldn't laugh at how dumb people are. But I do.
Anyway, while waiting for the food to get done, Jordan and I looked at halloween costumes and such. You know I've looked at this stuff about 9808234 times now but it doesn't matter because Halloween is my favorite. They have THE most precious infant and toddler costumes. SOOOO precious. My favorites are the gnome costume (pictured below) and this oh-so-cute pumpkin costume (I couldn't find a picture of that one.)
This is why I love love love my cousin and brother. I'm just going to tell you what they wrote on the back of their pictures.
"It's fun time note time and I'm texting. So now I'm taking time from my friends to talk to you. It's the school year 2009-2010 and I'm 16. We're watching Sorority Wars and we're at Grandma's. So whenever you read this 20 years from now you'll remember the day. By the way it's Oct. 17th. So here's to you my lovely sister! Cherish my face forever and I hope I'm not put in a drawer.
Your brother,
Timothy Payne"
Thanks Timmy. Thanks for reassuring me you're my brother. AND for writing your last name. You know I'll forget those things one day. I'm for real though. That cracked me up.
"Ashley! Here is the fun time note you asked me for. Well... HAGL. I hope you finally get out of college and get a job and get married so you can have a baby and put it in a pumpkin costume for Halloween. :) Anyways we've had some good times and I hope there are many more! ILY!
Love Always,
Oh, Jordan. Thanks for putting an emphasis on FINALLY graduating college. And I'm glad she knows the correct order of events that are to happen before having a baby. FYI, HAGL = Have a great life. Love that.
Yes... a good weekend, indeed.
love love LOVE the HAGL. What a fun time family you have. =)
hahaha. :) i love t-payne's. funnnnnny.
oh and ps...have you seen the girl gnome costume at wal mart? precious as well.
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