I'm bitter.

This isn't going to be a bright and sunshiny blog.  Real sorry.  You can turn around and not read, if you'd like.  Won't hurt my feelings.  I'm having a bitter day... I'm going to complain.  Alright.

Reason why I'm bitter:

1) I slept through my bible class this morning.  I'm real mad about that but also let me talk about this class for a moment.  The class is named Genesis-Exodus.  I've learned a lot...  But it's midterm week and we're on like Genesis 20 ...maybe.  There are 50 chapters in Genesis.  At this rate we will never ever make it to Exodus.  Am I bitter that I will not get to learn about Moses?  Yes.  I want to learn about Moses.  I want the felt board busted out and the story told with felt cut-outs.  Felty Moses.  Felty Jews.  Felty Pharoah.  Felty plagues.  Felty Red Sea.  Just like VBS.  I'm bitter.   ...and felty burning bush, please.

2)  I broke my glasses last night.  They're broken.  They're broken and I can't see far away things.  And I have to drive to Huntsville this afternoon.  I can't see the board in class.  I can't see who's on stage in chapel.  I can't see people's facial expressions from far away.  So, if you wave at me from 50 feet away and I don't acknowledge your presence, it's because I can't see you.  I can't see.  I'm bitter.

3) I have about 3-4 months to decide where I want to live and what I want to do with my life.  I need to stop talking about this before panic attack ensues.  I'm only 22 and I have to figure out what I want to do for the next phase in my life.  Half a semester left.  I'm bitter.

4) I want to eat something right now.  I want to eat breakfast every morning in my classes.  We aren't allowed to eat in class.  Sometimes teachers won't say anything if you do.  But most of the time they are rule enforcers.  What's the fun in that?  And why can't I eat breakfast in my elementary nutrition class?  She's always telling us how breakfast is the most important meal blah blah blah.  One day, the teacher went around the entire class and asked if we ate breakfast that morning.  I replied, "I'd rather sleep a little longer."  It's true.  Let me sleep and then let me eat my breakfast in class!!  It's a reasonable request.  I'm bitter.

5) akjdflkasjdfiweufknu4ijotgknrehirjknvfkldjvoiu toiewjdfu3ih4glr j;kljdsf8oiw;ejklrfmasmv oiweu2j3khnasdg...  I'm bitter.

Thank you.  Happy Friday.


emuhleeeh October 16, 2009 at 10:06 AM  

You k I just cracked up in my room.

Love love LOVE that felty spill. I do miss the good felty days. Felty Pharaoh is my favorite.

I've got two semesters (and then a smidge) left and you k I'm bitter too about what I'm gonna durr.

Love #5.

I'm sorry you're having a bitter day. Just sing the Monopoly song. =)

Amy October 17, 2009 at 9:42 AM  

Ashley! I miss you. 1. Who do you have for Gen-Ex? Is it David South?

2. Im sorry about your glasses.
3. Apply for the Disney Internship. It gives you 5 more months to figure out what to do with your life.

4.i love you.

Michael Y October 17, 2009 at 10:26 PM  

are you bitter because you got yelled at while visiting me at my apartment? are you bitter because we went to logans and sat in the 50+ section and had a creepy waiter...i think not.

Anonymous October 19, 2009 at 10:54 AM  

seriously. i love you so. i'm sorry that you were bitter. :( hmph.

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About this blog

I'm Ashley-- a laugher, day dreamer, art lover, and fun go-getter. These are my thoughts.



