So, I've already updated you on Trooper. Now on to updates about fun Christmas happenings!!
After Trooper's untimely death, I went to Huntsville to stay with the Grandma for a few days. While there I went Christmas present shopping, ran some errands, met James in Columbia for dinner, and spent quality time with the cousins. Then my uncle Tom, Dad and Timbo came down and stayed a few days.
In Huntsville, we had a few family gatherings-- one being the Payne Christmas party. Which is basically one of those fam reunion type deals where I have no idea who half the people are and I get asked, "Now, who do you belong to??" Basically meaning, "Who is your dad?" Because no one in the extended family can keep up with my Grandma's 4 sons and 9 grandkids. That question doesn't bother me much. But then my most FAVORITE series of questions in the whole wide world are asked-- actually... it's more of an interrogation, "Have you graduated yet? When will you graduate? What's your degree in? Now, what on earth are you going to do with that? Do you have any jobs lined up? Where will you live? Do you have a boyfriend? Are you getting married?" I don't know the answer to half of those questions. So... I stand there answering in the best way I know how... all the while wanting to stab myself in the eye. Have no fear, I left the party-- both eyeballs unharmed, intact, and still in the sockets.
Did I mention that while I was in Huntsville/supposed to be back home there was a huuuge snow in NC? Yeah. There was. I was bitter. Okay, I still am a little bit. Anyway, on the 23rd we all set out for NC. I drove Grandma's car all the way home. Surprisingly there were remnants of snow left here and there... and although I was sad to have missed it, I'm glad some of it stuck around long enough for me to see.
Santa Clause was very good to me this year, just as he is every year. Even though I deserve enough coal to warm the entire universe, I still got some awesome gifts. He brought me an ipod dock, make-up, DVD's, future shoes, candy, and all kinds of stuff. Yes, you read that correctly-- future shoes-- as in, I opened a shoe box and inside was an "I Owe You a pair of shoes" coupon. Santa doesn't buy me clothes or shoes without me there because he knows how picky I can be. :)
Grammie and Granddaddy gave me a new hair straightener, since I busted my expensive one back in September. This thing is awesome and I'm convinced it works better than a Chi, for all of you who even knows what that means. My brother got me the Michael Jackson's This Is It CDs I wanted. Yeah, he's pretty cool.
Speaking of ol' MJ... a few months ago, with the help of a website and JB, I made a Michael Jackson mii on the wii. (Hahaha, that sentence sounds funny to me... mii on the wii!) Anywho... here are some pics!
Interrogation, Santa, Future Shoes, MJ
Posted by
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I hope you all had a spectacular Christmas and a have good New Year, too!!!!!!!!
Yay for a good Christmas!! I feel like we're gonna get to have fun story sharing time on our 3 hour adventure back to Freed. I'm already gearing up for some good ones for you. =)
hahahahahaha. LOVE that.
you should have just answered..."my friend michael is finding me a job when i get back...i have no worries." :D see you when you get back!
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