Who is Sloppy Joe?

Disclaimer: This post isn't for the weak in stomach.  Don't say I never told ya so.

It all began last night when James and I were talking on the phone.  He was coming up with some disgusting would-you-rather scenarios, actually just trying to remember some out of the Would You Rather book he owns.  First of all-- Ew.  I've always been grossed out by that game.  Okay, so it's pretty funny most of the time... but still.  In his last particular "would you rather" inquiry he said, "Would you rather eat your least favorite food for the rest of your life or eat your favorite food cooked under questionable circumstances for the rest of your life?" ...or something like that.  We all know how I am with direct quotes.  I, of course, picked favorite food prepared in sketchy circumstances.  Why?  I'll tell you why.

Sloppy Joes.  I. Hate. Them.  To me, they are the most disgusting things on the planet.  Okay that might be taking it a bit far.  But I don't like them.  At all.  They are my least favorite food.

I mean, look at that.  G R O S S.  Okay, so there are probably about a million other 'foods' that might be 10,000,000 times more disgusting.  Maybe I should further explain my utter dislike for this loose meat in gross tomatoey substance.  My whole life, Sloppy Joes have not been my favorite.  For a while, I could tolerate them.  But mark my words-- I've NEVER liked them.  One night, Mom made them for dinner.  I ate one, reluctantly.  I spent the whole night in the bathroom floor throwing up.  I don't think it was the food that made me sick.  Pretty sure I had a stomach bug or something.  Sloppy Joe is nasty the first time you taste it... I won't mention how awful it tastes the second time, third time, fourth time... and so on.

I was telling James about my hate for Joe last night.  Then I began to wonder... Who is Joe?  I don't know who he is, but his idea of dinner delight is not cute.  But really... who is Joe?  And why did he come up with such a detestable sandwich?  I then began my search for the truth.

According to my google searching that lasted approximately half an hour, I came to these conclusions:  No one knows who Joe is.  No one knows exactly where this sandwich originated.  Some theories suggest it began during the depression as a way to stretch out hamburger meat to feed more people or make it last longer.  One website said it began in Havana, Cuba.  Somebody else said there's some restaurant in New Jersey called Sloppy Joe's and they claim to have coined the name.  Another article said it must have been named by a restaurant who had a worker named Joe who invented the sandwich-- but they don't know that for sure.  

Sloppy Joe.  Hmmm... I mean, I guess the "Sloppy" part of the name is a given.  Those sandwiches pretty sloppy and messy.  I still wonder who "Joe" is though...  He needs credit where credit is due.  Although I hate his creation, there are 2309809234 Americans who love it.  I'm sorry, Joe, that no one knows who you are.

Who are you, Joe?  Whooo are you? Who who?  Who who?  I reeeally wanna know.  (And today's song to be stuck in your head is brought to you by The Who.)


Nicoll March 25, 2010 at 10:58 AM  

I agree. Thankfully, I've only had to eat these gross sandwiches at church camp... and usually there was another choice, so I've only had to eat them, like, once. Haha! Of all the theories you found on Google, I would say the Depression one is correct... but I have no intellect or authority on the subject to make that guess worth anything... It just sounds good. Maybe we can ask our grandparents or something?

My childhood "vomit meal" is chicken 'n' dumplings... which makes me kind of sad. The thought of them makes me sick, but so many people seem to love them.

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I'm Ashley-- a laugher, day dreamer, art lover, and fun go-getter. These are my thoughts.



