1,201 weeks, 8,401 days, 201,624 hours... and counting

Wednesday of last week was my 23rd birthday.  That means, today, I am 1,201 weeks old.  That's about 8,401 days and approximately 201,624 hours.  What on earth have I been doing for all this time?  I know they say time goes by quickly, but wow.  I still think it's sort of insane that it's year 2010-- that Y2K was a decade ago,  9/11 was nearly 9 years ago, and I was a senior in high school during this time 5 years ago.  Insane.  Time, where have you gone??  

At any rate, my birthday was a pretty good one.  It's the first birthday I've had at home since I went away to school.  So that was a little surreal, but fun nonetheless.  I took some pictures of my fun time birthday gifts and such along the way, of course.  Didn't want to disappoint.

My birthday began a few days early when I received this card in the mail.  It's from Emily and Robert.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Emily picked out the card and Robert just signed it.  Otherwise, it would be pretty awkward.  (Then again, I think Robert and Nik probably say the same kinds of things to each other.  Hah, just kiddin.)   However, it does describe Emily and me perfectly.  Robert and Emily both scolded me for opening the card early... in my defense, there was no "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL B-DAY" warning label.  And we all know how much I love getting mail.  It was most definitely a day-brightener.

The weekend before my glorious Bday, I went to Costco with Mom and Dad.  While there, we decided to go ahead and get my cake.  Because I love Costco cakes, and they've got the best cake prices.  (Have I mentioned I applied for a job there?  Look at me marketing for them.  I should be hired immediately.)  Ahem, here is a picture:
I lovingly refer to it as my "Noah Cake."  No, I wouldn't normally buy a cake with a rainbow, but it was the only one that had my favorite flavor-- vanilla cake and vanilla icing.  Mmmm.  This picture really does it no justice.  I mean, this cake was HUGE.  9.5 pounds.  So, we bought the cake 4 days in advance... but I assure you there was sill cake left on my real life birthday, too.  Yep.  Nine and a half pounds.  Don't believe me?? 

 See?? It was insanely ginormous.

It was also amazingly delish.  

It also had a layer of buttercream.  This cake = a fat kid's dream.  

On the saaame day, Dad bought a wireless router for the house.  Happy birthday to meeee!

So, now I can get on the internet any time.  AND I can write blogs... if and when I find things to blog about!

My parents bought me theeeeese DVD's.  I know, I know.  I'm surprised I didn't already own these either.
Think Mom was inspired by my previous Ghostbustin' blog post?  I think yes. :)

I got another card in the mail from Christine, Alyssa, and Emily.
Cute, isn't it??  I miss them terribly.

I woke up on March 3rd, my real birthday, and there was a package on the front porch waiting for me.  It was from James.
A card, 2 books, a journal, and some M&M's....  And enough packing peanuts for about 10 packages.  You know, those little styrofoamy things they put in boxes so stuff won't get broken when they're shipped?  You should have seen me trying to open this box and those peanut things flying everywhere.  I guess I was a tad bit excited about my birthday present??  I love it.

Later that day I went out to eat at TLC (Texas Land & Cattle) with Mom.  Okay, I don't know if you've ever heard of one of those before or not.  But it's a steak house, and the name of it kind of gives me the creeps.  That's why I'm gonna call it TLC from now on, not to be confused with tender love and care.  Good food though.  And it was nice to have time with my momma.

After that I spent 2 hours at a job interview thing.  I was real excited about at first but to make a long story short, it didn't work out.

After thaaaaat, I went to visit my grandparents for a few minutes.  They also gave me a card and some money, for which I'm very thankful.  
The blue card is from Katie Hannah.  It made me so happy!

23rd Birthday in Review
Scrumptious Birthday Cake: Check!
Friends who love me:  Check!
Wonderful family: Check!
Best boyfriend ever: Check!


emuhleeeh March 9, 2010 at 9:15 PM  

I love this post so much! I check every single day to see if you've blogged, so now that I KNOW you have wireless at your house I'm gonna need to see more blogs, please. Especially because this one is GREAT.

And how funny if Robert had picked out the card. However, it is very Priv103.

Also, can I just say how extremely jealous I am of that cake. Bless it. It looks like a dream. I just lusted I think.

I am so glad you had a great birthday!!!! I wish you could have been here, but it sounds like it was great fun! When do you think you'll be back here--graduation? =) Can't wait!

My comment in review:

Nicoll March 17, 2010 at 8:49 PM  

Another of my friends blogged randomly about how many days she had been alive, and she thanked God for giving her life each of those days. Your calculations reminded me of that, which is something I need to remember often, as much as I worry about something bad happening to people I love.

Your cake looks really yummy! I wish I knew if there was a Costco in Nashville. Haha!

James did a great job, too! How romantic and thoughtful.

Yay for your many days and hours and years of life!

I love you. :)

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About this blog

I'm Ashley-- a laugher, day dreamer, art lover, and fun go-getter. These are my thoughts.



