I'm gonna be honest. In all of my 22 years, 10 months and 1 day on this earth, I don't think I've ever kept a New Year's Resolution. Not once. I may have worked on my resolutions for several months, but I don't feel that I've ever consciously made effort for an entire year to be sure I was keeping my resolutions. Of course, my memory may be failing me... but I know for sure I haven't even made a resolution the past 2 new years.
I think one problem I've had in the past with keeping resolutions is the fact they usually weren't very specific or direct. I'm taking a short course for the next 2 weeks. Each morning, from 8-12, I will be in a classroom learning about personal and family financial planning. First off, if you know me at all, you know anything involving numbers is NOT my forte. Secondly, I'm already stressed enough about where my life is going... so being in a class learning about how much debt I'm in doesn't exactly help me sleep at night. Anyway, sorry for the tangent. Tonight's homework is to come up with 5 lifetime financial goals/priorities. Mr. Professor emphasized that these goals need to be specific and measurable. Now that makes sense to me. My mind wandered off a bit and I began to think about all of my goals-- financial and every other kind. I think if I set out a few precise and measurable resolutions... then I'll keep them. Maaaaaaybe.
...What does resolution even mean anyway?? My handy dandy dictionary tells me that resolutions are "firm decisions to do or not to do something." Simple enough. Here's the word I really like though-- resolute. To be resolute... If I were resolute, I'd be "admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering." (Thanks, New Oxford American Dictionary.) Resolute can also mean unshakeable, strong-willed, brave, persistent... the list goes on and on.
1) My first resolution is to be resolute. Okay, okay. So this actually isn't a very specific and measurable resolution. We'll get to those later. I want to be a resolute person in everything I do... especially in my Christian walk. I've not been resolute in anything lately, especially my spiritual life. That is something that definitely needs to change. I want to be resolute. I want to be admirably purposeful, determined, unwavering, unshakeable, strong-willed, brave, and persistent when it comes to my beliefs and Who I stand for. Making a resolution is making a promise. I break a bajillion more promises to myself than I do anyone else. I'm not good at holding myself accountable. Maybe after writing this on the world wide web... I'll feel more responsible for the promises I'm making to myself today. Alrighty then. Now on to more specific resolutions. :)
2) My prayer life is not where it needs to be. I'm going to make a more conscious effort to begin each day and end each day with a prayer. This isn't to say I won't pray anywhere in the middle. I just need to start somewhere and I think here is a good place.
3) James got me a chronological study Bible for Christmas. It's real neat. There is a schedule in the back for reading the entire Bible in a year. I'm going to read the entire Bible in a year... for the first time ever.
4) This resolution won't begin until I'm done with short course... but I've already planned to stop drinking sodas. This means diet coke. I know. The thought of it makes me incredibly sad... but I know I'll be healthier for it.
5) It's time to put this fatty mcfatterson lifestyle to an end. This will also begin after short course. I have got to eat better and exercise more. I don't feel good about myself. I need to work on it. Don't get me wrong... I'm not saying I'm the ugliest person in the world. I just know I need to be in better shape, not only to look better, but to feel better. Not to mention, I'm in 2 weddings in the late spring. I always feel the most self-conscious in a bride's maid dress. So yes, I need to get in shape.
I think that's it. And let's be honest, if I add much more to the list, I don't know if I'd be able to keep them all.
To Be Resolute ...Or Not To Be
Posted by
Monday, January 4, 2010
Well I think that these are all admirable things! I am with you on mostly every single one of these, especially the first two. 3 actually, though I don't have a cool chronological study Bible. I am jealous of that.
HOWEVER, I won't stop drinking diet coke because basically I just fell out reading that.
no diet coke?!???? Ok I just freaked out a little bit. Really, though, how unhealthy is diet coke? pshhhhh.....
ok ok, i'm a bad friend. stick to your resolutions. Here's an idea, we should keep EACH OTHER accountable, especially for the top three. I think they're the most important, anyway. =)
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