A lot has happened since my last post! The months of job searching finally ceased when I was offered a teaching position at a preschool. Yes, I have my very first, real life, big-girl job.
I'm the lead teacher in the toddler room. Yep. 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 year olds... approximately. It's stressful. It's wonderful. It's a blessing to be employed. And I really do enjoy teaching the tiny tots.
It's weird to have my own classroom... especially since a few years ago I decided teaching small children wasn't for me. Looks like God had something different in mind. And so far I'm pretty glad.
Here is the big carpet where we have circle time. The walls are pretty bare. I plan on decorating. Sometime. Soon-ish.
Here are the cubbies. I basically forgot these ever existed. I haven't had a cubby since age 6. They're pretty handy though. Notice the random objects on the very top of the cubbies-- this space is a catch-all for things I don't want the kids getting into. If they can't reach it, it's not a problem any more. Bah haha.
Here are my toddler-sized tables, toddler-sized chairs, and toddler-sized bookshelves. When it's time to learn Bible stories, ABC's, numbers, shapes or colors, I tell the tiny tots to "line up on the purple wall" over there. And after chasing a few strays and everyone is sitting on the floor, we sing about twinkling stars, hip-hip-hip-hippopotamuses, itsy-bitsy spiders, and Alexander alligators.
Here are my sweet kiddos lined up on the purple wall "reading." They are precious. Absolutely precious.
And on especially hectic days, naptime is such a nice break. And look how adorable they are on their little cots!!
I have been waiting to hear about this new job. I know you are great with small kids and that you are doing a marvelous job with the tiny tots; I bet they adore you! I'm so excited for you; God is good! Thanks for sharing. Love you! :)
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