I think most of you, my precious readers, know that I've moved back to North Carolina.  Yeah, I don't really want to blog about it.  But it's a fact of life-- here I am.  In some ways I feel as if I'm in a time warp.  Who knew I'd be living here again?  I'm certain it's going to be fine... and atleast I'll get to spend time with my long lost family and friends who reside here.

I got to drive by myself most of the way home yesterday from Huntsville.  That gave my mind many hours to wander and at one point during those many hours, I came to this conclusion:  I suck at Valentine's Day.  Or maybe it just always arrives at unfortunate times.  Either way, me and the Valentine's Day have never really been friends.

If I were to open a bag of conversation hearts describing me and Valentine's Day, they would say things like, "NOT CUTE" "2 DUMB" "CRAZY" "BAD GF"  "KBYE"  "GO AWAY" "C-YA" "IHU" (you know, instead of the fan-favorite ILU).  I just don't have a good track record.  There have been four February 14ths in my life that I've not been single... that I can remember anyway...

The first one I can remember having a "boyfriend" was in 7th grade.  The boy I was "dating" for the past 9ish days was precious and actually ended up being one my best friends through middle school and high school... but alas!  On that 14th day of February, I decided to end our "dating relationship."  That's right.  I broke up with him.  I don't really remember why, I just remember feeling weird.  Yes, I know.  How heartless am I to dump someone on Valentine's Day?  A heartless 13 year old was I.  

The second time I had a boyfriend on Valentine's Day was in 11th grade.  I actually made a pretty kick-butt gift.  Good thing we decided to exchange presents early because I ended up being grounded and not allowed to go out on the actual day itself.  Are we keeping score?  Valentine's Day: 2.  Me: 0.

I managed to be single every Valentine's Day for another 4 years, but low and behold I had a boyfriend my junior year of college.  What happened there wasn't exactly my fault... that time.  But he ended up coming down with the flu and went home for the week.  Alright, V-day.  Got me again.

And this year?  Well, we all know what happened.  I moved 7 hours away from my sweetheart.  And did I send the Valentine in the mail on time?  Nope.  Without further adieu, the World's Worst Valentine of the Century Award goes tooooo....


However, at some point on Sunday, I asked if he'd be my Valentine.  He said yes.  :)

Valentine's Day: 4.  Me: 1.

Watch out, V-Day.  I'm gaining on you.  



emuhleeeh February 16, 2010 at 7:17 AM  

I haven't even finished reading yet. I just needed to start commenting because it appears I'll have so many things to say.

1: I just laughed out loud in class about the "kbye" candy heart. Those should totally be in existence.

2: I BROKE UP WITH A BOY ON VALENTINE'S DAY IN MIDDLE SCHOOL! Ah haha! He would also go on to be one of my great friends. Funny.

3: Again, I just laughed out loud in class. Oh the junior year Valentine flu outbreak. Funny. I think I might maybe have passed that on, in which case, oops. I think if I were to keep score of my beloved Valentine's Days, well, it would also not be cute.

4: I'm glad you had a long-distance Valentine! =) I hope your day was great, despite the distance.


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About this blog

I'm Ashley-- a laugher, day dreamer, art lover, and fun go-getter. These are my thoughts.



