too lazy for a REAL blog today

So, as I was looking through some of my old facebook notes today, I came across this one.  Here you go,  my readers, now you have something to read today since there is nothing to blog about currently in my life.

This is a note I wrote laaaast January of 25 random things about me.  It was fun for me to read and think on a few things that are different these days.

1. My family runs powerlifting competitions in NC and SC several times a year. It's a unique event and I enjoy working at them most of the time.

2. You'll often find me with a diet coke in my hand. It is true that I love diet coke, but the whole truth is regular coke is my favorite drink of all time. I normally can't stop with just one.

3. I spent last summer up North. In Michigan. At first the thought of this terrified me, but it ended up being one of the greatest and most fulfilling summers I've ever had. I got to work with a youth group and made some amazing friends. I also learned a lot about who I am and what I'm capable of.

4. I can't whistle. I used to be able to... until the gap between my front teeth closed.

5. When I was little, my favorite movie was The Wizard of Oz. I watched it all the time but I hated the black and white part. So, I normally fast forwarded to color. It was many years down the road before I knew "Over the Rainbow" was even in that movie. I still love watching it, even the black and white part now. :)

6. My grandma is my hero. I think she is such a strong and talented woman. I wish I had her drive and work ethic.

7. I can't really swim. Don't judge me.

8. My first airplane ride, first mission trip, and first time out of the country was all last spring. It was amazing. Makes me seriously consider long term mission work somewhere.

9. I love roller coasters and amusement parks in general. Wooden roller coasters scare the living daylights out of me. I ride them anyway.

10. I've never had a cavity and I didn't need braces. Praise for that.

11. My favorite song right now is "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" by Lady Antebellum. I can't wait to find love like that. It's a precious song. Look it up.

12. Throughout middle school and my first few years of high school, I spent every Friday night at the skating rink. I was actually pretty good at it.

13. The Beatles are and forever will be my favorite band. I've been singing along with them since age 3.

14. Most of you know this, but I drive a '96 Isuzu Trooper. It's a gas guzzler and sounds like a school bus, but I'm very thankful to have it and I love driving it. I love ol' Trooper!!

15. I really like writing. And I always have intentions of keeping a journal. That being said, I've never filled one. I'm sure there are approximately 2398402 incomplete journals laying around my room. I just can't stay in the habit of writing often.

16. Of all current residents, I've lived in Hall Roland the longest.

17. During kindergarten screening I was asked to skip across the floor. I had no idea what that lady was talking about. I'm still not very coordinated.

18. My favorite color is red.

19. I'm addicted to earrings. If Claire's or Icing has their 10 items for $10 sale, I won't be able to help myself. Sad. I know.

20. I had a chorus solo in 8th grade. "Grown Up Christmas List." Sometimes I still get that same nervous feeling in my stomach when I hear the song. haha!

21. Going to NYC and seeing a Broadway show is very close to the top of my to-do list.

22. It's my secret dream to become a cake decorator some day. Has been a dream for years now. I actually considered doing that after high school. Too bad culinary school is even more expensive than Freed-Hardeman. Who knew?

23. I'm naming my first born son (if I have one) Charles, after my Pop. We'll call him Charlie. And he's going to be so cute. haha!

24. I have a stamp collection. Yeah, I've been known to have dork-ish tendencies.

25. I love painting. I love doing crafty things. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't have quit art class in 7th grade and I would have majored in Art Education.

Who ya gonna call?

This past weekend, me and Kinsley watched The Ghostbusters.  I love that movie.  Every bit of it.  Everything from the eggs frying on the kitchen counter to the smiley godzilla-sized Stay Puft marshmallow man at the end.  Every once in a while I still fight to urge to say phrases like, "Are you the gatekeeper?" or "There is no Dana, only Zule!" Both said in a creepy possessed by devil-dog voices.  I'm well aware if you haven't seen this movie recently, you have no idea what I was just talking about.  It doesn't matter.  I love the movie.  When I was a kid, it ranked in my top 5 favorites.  It's weird and crazy and even more funny now than I perceived it to be when I was younger.  

In fact, I have always loved this movie so much... that I had the ghost killer backpack and gun thing.  So, I don't remember the technical name for it all.  I went on many a ghost hunt and caught many invisible growing ghouls in my ghost trapper.  The gun, which was attached to the backpack (complete with the Ghostbusters logo), made a very loud, obnoxious sound when you pulled the trigger.  It kind of sounded like an old car that won't start.  Either way, it was awesome.  The original Ghostbuster kit came with a glow in the dark Slimer ghost.  I lost that real quick-- thus me having to capture invisible ghosts.  Ghosts who are invisible are more  of a challenge to catch anyway, don'tcha know?  I don't mean to brag, but I was a pretty incredible Ghostbuster.

I asked Mom what ever happened to my Ghostbuster get-up.  She doesn't know.  It probably got thrown away or given to Goodwill years ago.    I would give anything to suit up again in my gear... sing "Who ya gonna call?!?" ...and catch invisible ghosts again.  Fun times, indeed.  Ah, man.  That was one of the best toys of all time.  I even tried to find pictures of it on google.  Couldn't find one of what I had.  I would suppose they were made around 20 years ago.  Ancient.  Sad.


I think most of you, my precious readers, know that I've moved back to North Carolina.  Yeah, I don't really want to blog about it.  But it's a fact of life-- here I am.  In some ways I feel as if I'm in a time warp.  Who knew I'd be living here again?  I'm certain it's going to be fine... and atleast I'll get to spend time with my long lost family and friends who reside here.

I got to drive by myself most of the way home yesterday from Huntsville.  That gave my mind many hours to wander and at one point during those many hours, I came to this conclusion:  I suck at Valentine's Day.  Or maybe it just always arrives at unfortunate times.  Either way, me and the Valentine's Day have never really been friends.

If I were to open a bag of conversation hearts describing me and Valentine's Day, they would say things like, "NOT CUTE" "2 DUMB" "CRAZY" "BAD GF"  "KBYE"  "GO AWAY" "C-YA" "IHU" (you know, instead of the fan-favorite ILU).  I just don't have a good track record.  There have been four February 14ths in my life that I've not been single... that I can remember anyway...

The first one I can remember having a "boyfriend" was in 7th grade.  The boy I was "dating" for the past 9ish days was precious and actually ended up being one my best friends through middle school and high school... but alas!  On that 14th day of February, I decided to end our "dating relationship."  That's right.  I broke up with him.  I don't really remember why, I just remember feeling weird.  Yes, I know.  How heartless am I to dump someone on Valentine's Day?  A heartless 13 year old was I.  

The second time I had a boyfriend on Valentine's Day was in 11th grade.  I actually made a pretty kick-butt gift.  Good thing we decided to exchange presents early because I ended up being grounded and not allowed to go out on the actual day itself.  Are we keeping score?  Valentine's Day: 2.  Me: 0.

I managed to be single every Valentine's Day for another 4 years, but low and behold I had a boyfriend my junior year of college.  What happened there wasn't exactly my fault... that time.  But he ended up coming down with the flu and went home for the week.  Alright, V-day.  Got me again.

And this year?  Well, we all know what happened.  I moved 7 hours away from my sweetheart.  And did I send the Valentine in the mail on time?  Nope.  Without further adieu, the World's Worst Valentine of the Century Award goes tooooo....


However, at some point on Sunday, I asked if he'd be my Valentine.  He said yes.  :)

Valentine's Day: 4.  Me: 1.

Watch out, V-Day.  I'm gaining on you.  


Post-Freed Life

PFL.  Post Freed life.  PFL is not cute.  I miss my Freed family like craaaazy.  That's all I'm going to say before this post turns into a tearful, depressing ode to thee our dearest FHU.

Someone once called Freed a "life-source."  True.  No Freed for me means no life right now.  Maybe I'll find a job soon and reclaim my life again.  Hopefully.  I've got some new life plans now though.  I'll tell more about that in a later post.  Possibly.

Someone also once told me I should never leave Freed because then I won't have any more fun time things to blog about.  Also true.  Sitting at home watching TV really doesn't constitute a good blog post. And I don't have much internet access... so even if I DID have fun things to write about, I wouldn't be able to.

PFL also means being snowed in is BORING.  This weekend, NC had one of the most beautiful snows I've seen in my life.  I was so excited until I realized I had no one to play with.  Even my little brother decided to get "snowed in" at Grammie and Granddaddy's.  Needless to say... there were no snowman building or snow angel making fun times in my life.  Sad.

PFL with no vehicle?  Frustrating.

Current PFL in one word?  Sucky.  I'll be sure to update my PFL status as things change and (hopefully) get better.

Okay, so not everything has been sucky.  I've gotten to spend time with the fam and some wonderful friends-- one of them being Jennifer.  Have I ever told y'all about her??  We met in 2nd grade and were best friends all the way through high school.  And through college we've not been the best about keeping in touch, but we hang out every time I'm home and it always feels like no time as passed at all.  I've been blessed to have such a great friend here and I know that she's here whenever I need her.

Thursday we hung out for the first time since summer and of course it was fun!  We went to our "usual" restaurant, Olive Garden, for our typical mid-afternoon lunch/dinner.  Then drove to Edward McKay's which is this awesome second-hand Book/CD/DVD store.  We weren't in pursuit of anything in particular but were ready to make fun of people /things... but when we got there it was abnormally quiet so we couldn't say anything funny out loud without judgement being passed by those around us.  Needless to say, we got bored real quick and eventually ended our evening at the movie theater.

There were only 5 other people in the theater.  Looking back, that may or may not have been a red flag.   Word to the wise: don't go see The Lovely Bones.  Unless you're in the mood to see a horrifically bad and anti-climactic movie.  At the very end something happens that probably isn't supposed to be funny... Jennifer and I started laughing hysterically.  Probably because it was at that point we realized we spent the last 2 hours watching a movie that ended like THAT.  Stupid like THAT.  So, I really want to give you a true Ashley summary of this movie and tell you what THAT is... but I won't.  Juuuust in case you do end up going to see this dumb dumb dumb movie.

Jennifer might hate me for posting this.  I crack up every time I see it though. :)


About this blog

I'm Ashley-- a laugher, day dreamer, art lover, and fun go-getter. These are my thoughts.



