this was a fun time

Emily gave me a blog award... because I'm such an excellent blog reader.  Look at me go.  P.S. if you  find yourself with an extra 3 minutes on your hands and actually want to read all 2 of my blogs on Vox, the last site I was on, here you go.

According to the rules I'm supposed to list 5 obsessions and then give the award to 5 others.  Well listen... I'm gonna cheat and not give out any awards because I only read about 2 blogs.  And of course they both have been awarded already.  I may come back later with a surprise post and give out blog awards!  Never can tell.  I'm sneaky like that.

Obsession #1: the color red.  By the way, is this not a gorgeous picture?  I think so, too.  I like all things red.  Red shoes, red dresses, red shirts, red apparel in general is my fave.  I've heard many a time that wearing red boosts confidence.  I find this to be true.  I also think that everyone not only needs a little black dress, but a little red dress in addition.  I'm not sure when my obsession of all things red began, but it's been around long enough for me to accumulate all red luggage, a red computer, red ipod and red purse.  I'm sure that doesn't even encompass the amount of red things I own.  My blog template on Vox was red.  You better believe this one will be too as soon as I figure out how to do it.  I think I would even paint Trooper red if I ever got the chance.  No lie.  Trooper is my SUVish vehicle that is missing a fender and sounds like a school bus.  That's a story for another day though.

Obsession #2: The Beatles.  They're my favorite band and I don't care if you judge me for it.  We have videos of me at age 3 singing along with my one of Dad's Beatles records.  I saw Paul McCartney in concert when I was 6, and even though I was about to die of bronchitis or something that weekend, I thought seeing Paul (my favorite and in my opinion the cutest Beatle) was the best thing ever.  I want to see him in concert again before he gets too old to play or dies or something.  Not to mention, he's the only Beatle still alive that's worth seeing.  At age 14 I had a yellow submarine themed party.  Again, don't judge me, especially for a party theme having to do with a song that had to be written while under the influence.  At my party, I wore a tye-dye shirt and John Lennon sunglasses.  Don't tell me I wasn't the most hip teenager... ever.  I used to have a poster in my room of the picture on the left.  My poster was way cooler though because someone photoshopped those umbrellas to be different colors.  Loved it.  Annnnnd, "I Want To Hold Your Hand" is basically the cutest song ever and I can't wait to be in love and hold hands with someone again!  Lame?  Maybe so.  I don't care.  :)

Obsession #3:  Sushi.  It's one of my favorite things to eat.  I love sushi.  More specifically, any sushi served at Sakura in Jackson, TN.  I had my first taste 3 years ago and it's been an obsession ever since.  I just love it.  I've even become a somewhat of sushi snob.   If the sushi isn't absolutely amazing, aka if it doesn't meet up to Sakura standards, then I don't even want it.  I went all summer without excellent sushi.  I definitely couldn't wait to get back to school and make the pilgrimage to Jackson with some besties to eat the best sushi this side of Heaven.  Actually, I went there and ate last night.  Let's be honest, I'd eat it every single night if I could.

Obsession #4:  Coloring.  Yes I'm on the verge of 23 and yes I still love to color.  For an even broader obsession-- school art supplies in general.  I get so excited when Walmart has 24 packs of Crayola crayons for 25 cents.   When Crayola colored pencils and Crayola markers (big and small) are on sale for $1, I can't contain myself.  But yeah, I love to color.  You can put a coloring book and pack of crayons (preferably the Crayola Crayons 96 Count) in front of me and I'll be entertained for hours.  No joke.  It's also a stress reliever for me.  I relax when I color.  This masterpiece to the left is one I colored and hung on the fridge in Priv 103 last semester.  I know all 4 guys who lived there appreciated Disney-Princess-Ariel on their fridge.

Obsession #5: Food Network's Extreme Cake Challenge.  Let me tell you how I stop in my tracks anytime I see this show on TV.  I have to watch it... probably because I want to be the people on that show.  I want to make extreme cakes!!  Just go with it and let me have my irrational dream.  I imagine if I ever DID make an extreme cake, it might make it on this blog, but not the Food Network.  Haha.
Look at that cake though!!  1) It doesn't even look like a cake.  2) It's like 2342 feet tall.  Ok.. that was a lie.  I don't know how tall it really is.  But it's tall.
3) Sam I am with his green eggs and ham?!?!  Amazing theme.  A classic.  I love this cake.  I love this show.


Amy August 29, 2009 at 7:24 PM  

I love to color and Food Network Extreme's did I tell you a girl I know was on there as an assistant chef the other day :)

Anonymous August 29, 2009 at 7:26 PM  

i love this!!! :)

ps. you're a professional color-er. :) :)

emuhleeeh August 29, 2009 at 10:37 PM  

You need to open up for Anonymous comments. So I, the lowly VOX-er Emily will be able to comment on how great your life is. kthanks.

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About this blog

I'm Ashley-- a laugher, day dreamer, art lover, and fun go-getter. These are my thoughts.



